1. Thank and link the person that give you the award.
Cik yang bernama Nor Fareeza binti Elias ketot.
2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
1. En.Shafiq
2.Murni Hayati
3. Bla3..
Saya tak tau nak bagi kat sape dah..isk3. +__+
3. Contact said blog and tell them know they've won the award.
Nah amik award ni. poto je k..
4. State 7 things about yourself.
1.suka berterus-terang
2.tak suka memendam rasa. luah is better.
3.agak matang kot.. =B
5.suka anak patung yang diberi oleh org2.
6.ada sorang adik boy.
7.ada sorang adik gurl.
oit kina..eja nama org pong salah.huhu..nak nangis ni...waaaaaaaaaaa.. :)
ReplyDeleteklau nak letak link blog i ni; edit balik catatan ni, pastu copy paste kn link blog i kat ruangan PAUTAN (if u use malay language)..
tenkiu :)
thehehe.. ok kija.