~Cik Liyana Punya Blog~

~Cik Liyana Punya Blog~

Friday, March 5, 2010

Make the best decision

Should i think it for 5, 6, 7 times?
Don't know my heart.
Hati dah jadi antara 2 - nak & tak nak.
Knp jadi camni?
Should we cont this?

Nak 1 je - kebahagiaan yg berpanjangan.
Every pray i'll said to Allah "Ya Allah, berikanlah aku petunjukmu. Tunjukkan aku jodohku yang sebenar. Jika Engkau mentakdirkan jodohku dengannya, jauhkanlah kami drpd perkara2 yg tak diingini". I know Allah really2 heard & He really2 know my heart just now.

Why we make it? Hermm..
Dia ok, sgt2 baik for everyone. Very good kapel! If we are not together, dia can be my best fren tol!. But...its happen when i think it again & again.
Just realise one thing, not ready yet for next relation (be totally serious maybe. @ just for fun? don't know-still in confuse side). Even i want it. Want someone to be with me, every single of my time. Take care of me, meet me, loving me = i love dia. Really, love dia. But, diakah utk sy? ....

Still trying to think & make a very2 good decision for us. Without break our heart & still can be together. Belajar drpd pengalaman, InsyaAllah. Allah & family is alwiz be with us. Dreaming to get married with a special person i really want to marry with. Who?? only Allah know him! Not me.. its jodoh.

Hope yg the best for us. Tak mau benci dia. Its better.
Pe2 pun, fikir positif. Semua yang terjadi de hikmah besar di sebaliknya. Just cepat @ lambat. ALLAH BAGI KERANA KITA MAMPU (sentiasa ingat ncihat Sarah) . Thank you Allah.

Yes!! Liyana is a tough girl!!!! =) =) =) =)

*Like this love story so much. Like me -Intan & dia - Rado. haha!!

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